The Dutch version of THE GREAT FOX ILLUSION (De grote vossenjacht) is going to be released in hardcover on 2nd May 2022!
Om haar familie terug te krijgen, moet Liz de illusie die De Grote Vos van haar vader heeft gestolen, zien terug te vinden. Maar er zijn meerdere kapers op de kust…De 11-jarige Liz heeft een plaats veroverd in het tv-programma De grote vossenjacht. De deelnemers moeten trucs doorgronden om kans te maken op de erfenis van ‘De Grote Vos’, een wereldberoemde, raadselachtige illusionist. Maar Liz heeft haar eigen doel. De Vos heeft haar familie namelijk te gronde gericht. Zijn grootste succes heeft hij te danken een illusie die hij van de vader van Liz heeft gestolen. Dit is haar kans om die misdaad recht te zetten en haar familie weer bijeen te brengen. In het huis van de Vos bevindt zich een geheim dat de wereld van magie voor altijd zal veranderen, en Liz zal er alles aan doen om het te vinden…

Advanced reading copies of The Great Fox Illusion have gone out to bloggers, journalists, bookshops, fellow authors etc. They arrive with this letter:
Dear Reader,
As a child, my parents would sometimes take me to Hamleys toy shop. It was always an incredible place to visit, filled with so many delights. But what fascinated me most, the part of the store that I would keep coming back to time and again, were the magic tricks. There was a performer demonstrating the products, and I could happily have watched them for hours. And I knew that I could spend some of my hard-earned pocket money to find out how the trick was done and recreate it myself.
I’ve never lost my love of magic tricks, and it’s that love which is at the heart of my debut novel, The Great Fox Illusion. That sense of wonder, of wanting to know how the trick is done, is what our protagonist, Flick Lions, shared with her father before he went missing. And there is one magic trick in particular that drives the story. A trick that promises to change the world of illusion for ever. Flick believes that the late, famous illusionist The Great Fox stole this trick from her father before he disappeared. So when a competition is announced that offers Flick the opportunity to try and win The Great Fox’s legacy, she’s determined to take part. This is her chance to find out what really happened to her father – and to put her family back together again.
This is a story about hope, friendship and courage. It captures that sense of being hooked, that joy in being fooled, that thrill in the mystery, that desire to know the answers that are right under your nose. I hope you get those same feelings as you open the cover, start to read and watch the trick unfold.
Justyn Edwards
— LibraryGirl&BookBoy (Jo) (@BookSuperhero2) November 3, 2021
Secrets and illusions abound as a group of young magicians competes for the prize of a lifetime in this gripping adventure, the first in an enthralling new series from debut author @justynedwards @flaviasorr
RT to be entered to win an exclusive proof copy.
It was a tremendous privilege to have Jo (aka #LibraryGirlAndBookBoy) reveal the cover for The Great Fox Illusion at midday on 3/11/21. Flavia Sorrentino has created a stunning piece of artwork for the cover and a seriously cool tease version for the advanced reading copies. These are being sent out at the moment. Thank you so much to Walker Books, Flavia and Jo for putting all of this together.

It puts a whole new spin on magical middle grade and is such a gripping read. Plus I’m loving finding out all about the sleights of hand that make magic tricks so convincing. It’s publishing next April and I can’t wait for people to read it.
— Walker YA (@WalkerBooksYA) September 16, 2021