Free 15-Minute Virtual School Visits


My visit to your school will be a trick. Please don’t trust it or sit back and enjoy it. In fact, don’t take your eyes off it for a second, because by the end I’ll have done several impossible things.
The question is, will you be able to work out how I did them?
In the Great Fox books, Flick and Charlie are challenged to work out the secrets behind some of the most baffling magic tricks that have ever been performed. But how good are your detective skills? How quickly can you solve a mystery?
There’s only one way to find out.

The Rules

– Available to any school.
– Limited to two Q&A sessions per school.

Buy signed editions of the books to go with your visit

How it Works

– Book your session using the calendar above. I’ll then send you a link to the virtual event well in advance.
– I normally spend the first 5 minutes introducing my books and setting the class a challenge. The second 10 minutes is a Q&A session.
– The Q&A usually works best if the children have pre-prepared questions.

Download The Great Fox Illusion class discussion guide

Download The Great Fox Illusion class poster


Class Pack – 5 copies of The Great Fox Illusion/The Great Fox Heist and a FREE 1 hour virtual event

Please write the word 'blank' in this box if you want signed copies without dedication messages.
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SKU: 400 Category:


Five signed and dedicated copies of The Great Fox Illusion/The Great Fox Heist and a FREE 1 hour virtual event. Please specify how many of each type of book you would like. Please also supply any name and/or dedication messages you would like Justyn Edwards to write in the front of each book.

Additional information

Dimensions 12.9 × 2 × 19.8 cm