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You can win one of three copies of The Great Fox Heist being given away by WRD magazine.
Details available here: Link to competition here
As early copies of The Great Fox Heist are sent out some reviews have started to come in.
“What is so fantastic about The Great Fox Heist is how maturely Justyn treats the reader – magic is such an alluring concept and you are instantly captivated by the impossibility of Flick’s latest mission amongst trying to work out who is trustworthy and who’s out to exploit the Bell System. Flick continues to be a fantastic role model for children (particularly in the way that her disability doesn’t deter her from the task at hand) and I also loved how this book gives us answers about magic’s most potentially dangerous weapon. It all leads to a shocking, twist-filled finale, which will leave your head spinning, and you’ll be desperate for more. Dispelling the illusion that sequels aren’t always better, The Great Fox Heist ups the tension and murky alliances so The Great Fox series just gets better and better. By the end, you’ll be thinking Paul Daniels who?”
Link to early copy review website
“The Great Fox Heist is a thrilling adventure that will keep you guessing; loyalties are tested and questions are definitely raised. With twists that will leave you reeling, I promise that this is a sequel that is even better than the first book and one that will leave you desperately hoping that there will be a book 3. It’s a compelling read and one that got me out of bed early on Saturday morning so I could finish it. I loved this book and will be shouting about it every chance I get – and I will absolutely be adding it to my April display in Waterstones Newcastle.”
Link to early copy review website
“I was hooked in from the very off and desperate to see what was going to happen – both in terms of the illusions themselves and to Flick. Through his fabulous writing and clear specialist knowledge of illusions, Justyn Edwards ensured that as before I was unable to work out how the tricks were pulled off and could not see how the plot was going to develop, making this one of my favourite books of the year so far – one I urge you to treat yourself to if you haven’t already.
I have no idea as to a date for a possible Book 3 but I will most definitely be keeping an eye out for it, as I know many others will. Until then, I will continue to hope that I will be able to magically increase my shelf space somehow!”
Link to early copy review website
“A magician will try to pull the wool over your eyes and have you believe you are seeing things you are not. There’s no pulling the wool over any eyes here though as I tell you that Justyn Edwards’ sequel to The Great Fox Illusion is spectacular.
After being victorious in a televised magic contest, Flick Lions and her accomplice magician Charlie are in the Swiss town of Linth. Flick is hoping to find her father and that the Great Fox is true to his word. The Great Fox hopes to become the new chancellor of The Global Order of Magic. For them both to get what they want, Flick must pull off a seemingly impossible trick…steal a priceless necklace from the most secure bank vault in the world…
Penned with the magic wand of a master illusionist, The Great Fox Heist is another sparkling story of magic, deception and misdirection. This brilliantly original and fresh series continues apace and this time the stakes are higher, danger is lurking around every turn and nothing is as it seems in the picturesque town of Linth.
When magicians roll into town, you can be certain of one thing…trickery. And in this fast-paced, uber-slick tale Flick needs to quickly unravel what exactly is going on if she is going to pull off an impossible heist, get the answers she needs about her dad and keep the Bell System, the greatest trick of all time with the power to change the world forever, out of the wrong hands.
Brilliantly written, this thrilling, page-turning mystery will keep you guessing. Like the best illusionists Edwards holds you in the palm of his hand, completely mesmerised by what is happening and frantically trying to piece together the puzzles and clues as you work alongside Flick in a frenetic race against time to uncover the truth. This won’t be an easy task though, the book even warns you about this with its opening line, ‘This book is a trick.’
At the heart of this magnificent story is a main character who is feisty, observant, intelligent and somewhat vulnerable. Desperate for answers but unsure who to trust, Flick often goes it alone and even her prosthetic leg – that is written about sensitively and authentically – cannot slow her down. Her ever-developing friendship and connection with Charlie is another magic thread as once again we root for the duo to pull another rabbit out of the hat and to find the truth through the lies.
If you’re a magical nerd like me who not only loves magic acts and fascinating illusions but wants to learn some of the tricks of the trade then you need to read this book. Whilst members of the esteemed Magic Circle may not be too fond of Edwards revealing closely guarded secrets I am loving it and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Big twists, big turns and even bigger reveals! Superb entertainment value. Justyn Edwards, take a bow.”
Link to early copy review of The Great Fox Heist
Cover reveal for the French edition of The Great Fox Illusion as early copies of The Great Fox Heist are sent out
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The cover for the French edition of The Great Fox Illusion has been revealed – Les Prodigieux Secrets du magicien Fox. It looks stunning thanks to the amazing artwork of Flavia Sorrentino.
And speaking of her amazing covers, early copies of The Great Fox Heist are being sent out now, and they look yummy. 🙂

The Great Fox Roadshow (now with added lasers) will be appearing at the following events over the next few weeks and months.
A series of World Book Day school visits | 2-3 March |
Dudley Children’s Book Awards Ceremony | 21 March |
The Great Fox Heist launch – Waterstones Truro | 8 April |
The Great Fox Heist launch – school visits | 18-19 April |
Reading Rocks – virtual event | 26 April |
The Great Fox Heist launch – World Tour of some London bookshops (more details to follow!) | Early May |
The Festival of Imagination at the Eden Project | 27th, 28th, 31st May |
St Austell Festival of Children’s Literature | 17 June |
Kernow Youth Book Awards Ceremony | 5 July |
Find out more about booking events here
The Great Fox Illusion is listed for the Phoenix Book Award, the Dudley Children’s Book Award, the Children’s Literature Festivals Book Awards, and the Kernow Youth Book Awards
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The Great Fox Illusion has been longlisted for the Phoenix Book Award and the Children’s Literature Festivals Book Awards. It has also been shortlisted for the Dudley Children’s Book Award and the Kernow Youth Book Awards. More news to follow! 🙂